Media Interviews
Nights on Radio New Zealand with Bryan Crump, 7 September 2022
Nine to Noon Radio New Zealand (RNZ) interview with Kathryn Ryan, 8 July 2021.
Further commentary regarding the interview here Radio Rhema interview 30 June 2021
I have huge respect for the research and work of Ute Limacher-Riebold of Ute's International Lounge. I have learned much from her about multilingual families. This talk is of interest to both grandparents & the middle generation. My first 'Live on YouTube' experience!
A chat across the globe. Marie-Therese Claes, Professor of Gender and Diversity at Vienna University of Economics and Business interviews Helen for the SIETAR South East Asia Book Club
An honest and fun chat with Emily Rogers from The Leap to Lead . If you're a Distance Daughter you'll relate to Emily. Click here for her book review.
How to Keep Family Close when you live in other countries.
A webinar chat with Bridget Romanes, the Founder of Mobile Relocation Experts |
I was delighted
Are you a distance grandparent, expat or migrant? Tune in to this podcast for heartfelt advice on nurturing those connections. It's all about adapting, not conforming. Learn how to share and thrive despite the geographical gap. |
Grandparenting with our whole hearts takes time and intention. This podcast entertains, educates, and enlightens grandparents who want to become the best they can be.
Here's an update podcast with Emily and Mike about being distance grandparent and a distance grandchild. |
This episode with Rhoda Bangerter, author of Holding the Fort Abroad is a conversation about being a distance grandparent (parent) when your expat child is solo parenting.
In this episode, Jo Parfitt, editor of Summertime Publishing, talks to Helen about turning her Master's thesis into a book.
An honest and fun chat with Emily Rogers from Expat Parenting Abroad. If you're a Distance Daughter you'll relate to Emily.
Click here for podcast. Click here for her book review. |
"In this episode of 'My Expat Journey', we learn how intention is the key to staying in touch with our relatives. Accepting again is the answer to the Viral War we are in, and that being a Distance Grandparent can be beneficial". Melisa Cohen
Helen discusses with Amy Scott from Nomadtopia some of the common challenges and emotions for distance families (as well as the benefits!), why it’s so important for each generation to understand the others’ perspectives, and lots more. A fun chat especially for Distance Sons and Daughters - nomads or non-nomads!
The Grand Life, 'Distance/Global Grandparenting podcast with Author, Emily Morgan & Helen Ellis. When the distances are really long--international--you'd think it would be harder. The pandemic has made distance less of a factor that it once was, so experienced global grandparents can teach lessons almost all of us can apply. Click here for Part 1 and Part 2.
Sundae Schneider-Bean (2020, June). Helen Ellis joins us to share her personal story, professional experience, and thought-provoking research on grandparenting from afar. A writer, scholar, and proud grandma, Helen’s Distance Families project brings the grandparent’s perspective to light. Podcast.
"I really enjoyed your podcast. I started crying just reading the description of it... triggering an unknown grief (or is it guilt) of my Mum having to be a distance grandparent (who knew those tears were there!)" Anonymous |