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Articles (Click here)This eclectic selection of articles is useful to all.
Helpful Reading (Click here) Meaningful and simple ways to stay connected with grandchildren 2-10 years. "It is so fulfilling and the progress grandparents are making is really incredible" (Dr Kerry Bryne, Founder) U.K. based online community for over 50s Global Grandparent Resources Families in Global Transition (FIGT) A globally mobile forum for individuals, families and those working with them. Relocate Global Magazine Information and support for HR, global mobility managers, global teams and those relocating, operating in or setting up new operations overseas. (Toolkit Fact Sheets) Rocky Re-entry Dedicated to discussion of repatriation (to the U.S.) Packing light website International School Parent Global baby/child carseat information Moving to a new country? - helpful infoAustralia
New Zealand I welcome suggestions of other super-useful, country-focused blogs and/or website. PodcastsThe Grand Life
Author Emily Morgan hosts an excellent exploration of grandparenting (local and distance), the relationships within the role, and the ways in which grandparenting impacts our children…and their children. VideoOur Absent Grandchildren - an ethnotheatre performance
When grandparents have little or no contact with their grandchildren because of family conflict or separation, emotions run high. The script for this performance is based on interviews with 33 grandmothers and 17 grandfathers, from research undertaken by Professor Margaret Sims. Professional ServicesLocation Independent Therapists
A community of location independent mental health professionals everywhere. Expatriate Law International Family Law matters Better Help Better Help is an American-based, online counselling service you can access anytime and anywhere. They will match you with an independently certified counsellor that is there to help you no matter your needs. They’ll stay with you unless you decide to change. Get feedback, advice, and guidance from your counsellor via video chats, text messages and email. Couple counselling is also available to migrants who have moved abroad together. You receive unlimited sessions around the clock at an affordable, flat monthly fee. Message your counsellor wherever you are, on-site or through the app. Families in Global Transition – The Counseling and Coaching Affiliate A professional subgroup in the FIGT community Globally Grounded A company and website dedicated to equipping students crossing cultures, their families and those who educate them to effectively navigate the triumphs and trials associated with living and learning between the amongst domestic and international cultures. Truman Group Psychological Care for Expats For an interview with Dr Sean Truman click here for an excellent podcast. The Interchange Institute The Founder and Executive Director Dr. Anne P. Copeland is a clinical psychologist with expertise in cultural transition and clinical psychology. She provides cross-cultural training for individual and families moving to and from the United States. Expat Nest Counselling with borders for adults, parents and teens Transitions Therapy International Psychotherapy, counselling, coaching & consulting Dr Joshua Coleman Estrangement Counsellor |
Handy digital communication tools
Academic Research: Helen Ellis M.A.Ellis, H. (2019, November). 'Being a kiwi long-haul distance grandparent: You cannot cuddle an iPad'. Presented at 8th Annual Emerging Researchers Conference, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand.
[Conference Oral Presentation] Authored by: Ellis, H. Ellis, H. (2019, November). 'Being a kiwi long-haul distance grandparent: You cannot cuddle an iPad'. Presented at Breaking Boundaries ASAA/NZ Conference. Raglan, New Zealand. [Conference Oral Presentation] Authored by: Ellis, H. Ellis, H. (2020). '"How is distance grandparenting for you?" A study of long haul, New Zealand distance grandparents and inter-generational transnational familying', M.A. Thesis, Massey University, Auckland, N.Z. EAC Thesis Award Winner (2021) Travel AdviceCheck IATA's interactive map to find out about current global travel pre-testing, quarantine and isolation regulations.