Distance Families
Helen's Story
Book Series
Being a Distance Grandparent
Being a Distance Son or Daughter
Being a Distance Grandchild
Being a Distance Grandparent
Being a Distance Son or Daughter
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Being a Distance Grandparent
Being a Distance Son or Daughter
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Monthy Newsletter
Welcome to the 'Being a distance son or daughter' global survey.
The purpose of this survey is to understand HOW it is, BEING a distance son or daughter. How do you relate to your distance parent/s and/or parent/s-in-law? And if you have children, how is their relationship with their distance grandparents? This is your opportunity to have your say and tell it as it is !
Please read the following before completing the survey
This survey will take xx - xxx minutes to complete, depending on whether
your parent's and parent's-in-law are distance, and whether or not you have children.
The survey needs to be done in one sitting. You can back track and change an answer also
This survey is user-friendly. No questions are compulsory. You can pick and choose what you answer, and most questions have an option to write your own response, if you prefer.
What is '
? There is no hard and fast rule. You decide. As a suggestion ... if pre-COVID, it was logistically, near enough impossible to visit each other for a weekend....that is definitely 'distance'.
' - You will find reference in some questions to 'home' (passport country). 'Home' can mean different things to different people, plus if you are in a bi-cultural partnership you may have two 'homes'. In most cases it is assumed 'home' is the location of your distance parents or parents-in-law.
Part 1. Your role/status/situation
I am a ....
Distance son and/or son-in-law
Distance daughter and/or daughter-in-law
I was born in ...
Before 1955
1955 - 1965
1966 - 1980
1981 - 1995
1996 - 2009
I am a ....
Young adult living away from home (e.g. at university)
Single adult
One half of a couple
Parenting Solo
One half of a couple with child/children
Some other situation ....
My current location
How long have you been an expat/migrant?
My PRE-COVID status was ...
Temporarily away from home. My intention was to return permanently in the near future (say within 2 yrs)
An 'on the move' expat with assignments & work locations that change every few years.
A permanent migrant
Close to retirement expat/migrant unsure where I will finally settle
Close to retirement intending to repatriate when the time comes
Some other status or comment
The following describes my 2020 status, since COVID-19 appeared
No change
My situation might change. It remains uncertain
I am seriously considering repatriating in the near future
I am working on repatriating at this time
I repatriated unexpectedly due to COVID
I am considering moving somewhere else (other than home)
Some other scenario, or more info regarding your answer above
Part 2 - Parental relationships & visits
The first set of questions relate to YOUR PARENT/S (close or distance)
The second set of questions relate to YOUR PARENT/S-IN-LAW (close or distance)
I am sorry if any of your parents or parents-in-law have already died. No questions are mandator
y. Just an
swer those that apply to you.
Helen Ellis
Your parent/s (not your in-laws)
Where do your parent/s live?
If your parents live close enough for you to visit, for say for a, weekend, (pre-COVID), please
the questions below, and head to
Your parent/s-in-law
Are there other sibling/s handy to your parent/s?
How would you describe your relationship with your parent/s?
Amazingly supportive and emotionally resilient
A blessing in my life
They support my partner
A lifeline in so many ways
We each have empathy for the other
We have established a workable package of communication (when, how often etc)
Over time they have become more accepting of my move/s
We have our ups and downs (elaborate at the end of this question if you wish)
My move from 'home' is pretty new. They struggled pre-COVID, and now it is even worse.
Despite the years they remain resentful and negative about our move/s
My mother is very problematic (elaborate below if you wish)
My father is very problematic (elaborate below if you wish)
Things used to be better but now my parent/s are elderly and our relationship isn't the same
They do not fully embrace my partner
My partner and I don’t always agree on how to handle/communicate/reach out to my distance parent/s
Tick all that apply
Some other description/information
Parental visits in the past, before COVID, have been ...
A mixture of either me/us going home or my parent/s visiting me
I mainly go home
My parent/s mainly visit me
My parent/s travelled in the past but can’t/don’t now due to cost/ill health
We have at least once met up somewhere else, and vacationed together
I have a travel benefit with my/our employment contract that helps
My parent/s have never travelled to me
My parents have paid for us to visit them
I have paid for my parents to visit us
Tick all that apply
Approximate frequency of visits
Some other situation/information regarding visits
How are parental visits, in either direction, for you?
A highlight on the calendar and everyone looks forward to gathering
A mixture of good and testing times and that’s just the way it is
One of those things that needs to be done and ‘goes with the territory’ of living overseas.
An obligation I could well do without
A huge sacrifice of my precious annual leave
A living nightmare every minute.
Our family is fractured/disengaged. We rarely visit
Tick all that apply and/or add your own comment
Further comment
Your parent/s-in-law
Where do your parent/s-in-law live?
If your parent/s-in-law live close enough for you to visit each other for a weekend there is no necessity to complete the rest of the questions about 'Your Parent/s-in-law'. Please
Part 3 - Communication
Are there other sibling/s handy to your parent/s-in-law?
How would you describe your relationship with your parent/s-in-law?
Amazingly supportive and emotionally resilient
A blessing in my life
They support me
A lifeline in so many ways
We each have empathy for the other
We have established a workable package of communication (when, how often etc)
Over time they have become more accepting of our move
We have our ups and downs (elaborate at the end of this question if you wish)
Our move is pretty new. They struggled pre-COVID, and now it is even worse
Despite the years they remain resentful and negative about our move
My mother-in-law is very problematic (elaborate below if you wish)
My father-in-law is very problematic (elaborate below if you wish)
I sense they do not fully embrace me
My partner and I don’t agree on how to handle/communicate/reach out to my distance parent/s-in-law
My partner does not stand up for me
Please explain the nature of parent/s-in-law visits (either direction) pre-COVID
A mixture of either me/us going home or my parent/s/in-law visiting me
I mainly go home
My parent/s-in-law mainly visit me
My parent/s-in-law travelled in the past but can’t/don’t now due to cost/ill health
We have at least once met up somewhere else, and vacationed together
My parent/s-in-law have never travelled to me
The cost of travel in either direction is a constant issue
Tick all that apply and/or add other comments
Frequency of visits in either direction?
Parent/s-in-law visits, in either direction, have been ...
A highlight on the calendar and everyone looks forward to gathering
A mixture of good and stressful times and that’s just the way it is
One of those things that needs to be done and ‘goes with the territory’ of living overseas.
An obligation I could well do without
A huge sacrifice of my precious annual leave
A living nightmare every minute.
Our family is fractured/disengaged. We rarely visit
Tick all that apply and/or add your own comments
Part 3 - Distance Communication
These questions could apply to your parents, or in-laws (or both), just depending on your own set of circumstances. The purpose of the questions is to establish your
communication regime with your DISTANCE parents and/or DISTANCE parents-in-law.
Please just answer the questions that apply to your situation.
Please describe your distance parents/s and/or parents-in-law level of digital competency
Super fantastic, we use multiple platforms (video, text, email) and occasionally they teach me a thing or two
Pretty good, open to learning new things and completely adequate for the purpose of connecting
A little ‘hit n miss’. They ‘know what they know’ but we manage as long as I am patient
They only want to use certain platforms. Our family experience could be enhanced if they were able to embrace other ways of connecting
Often I give up when technology doesn’t work for them and I end up by phoning
I have offered to buy them an iPad (or similar) but they always say “no”.
They do not have/want the internet and we communicate by phone and/or mail only.
They remain closed/suspicious regarding technology and I can’t see this changing
They are too elderly or infirm to communicate with these days
Please tick all that apply and/or add further comments
Further comments
Part 4 - Distance grandparent/grandchild relationships (if applicable)
Number and age range of your child/children
Were your children born, at home or overseas?
What do your the distance grandparents (and/or your in-laws) mean to your children?
They are too little/young to grasp the relationship yet. The grandparents are simply random faces on a phone.
They have never met in person yet
Due to language and/or time zone issues the children have little relationship/contact with their distance grandparents as yet
They have a token relationship and do their best to say “hello” when they’re obliged to
They know and love the grandparents, but they are typical kids right now and don’t always want to connect, or make an effort
They have a good understanding of who their grandparents are, where they live and think of them fondly
They love their distance grandparent/s to bits and are eager to connect whenever it is possible
Their distance grandparents are older and able to connect directly – but they rarely do that
They are older and able to connect directly and sometimes do that
They have a very close relationship that has been nurtured over the years
Tick all that apply and/or add your own comments
Part 5 - How do you feel about these common distance familying issues?
Click one response from the click down menu. There is room for further commentary at the end.
Guilt of the left behind family
Gives me sleepless nights/a huge concern every day
A constant background concern, quietly festering away
Yes, it is an issue, but I maintin a certain level of resilience
This doesn’t register as an issue for me, or isn’t applicable to my situation
Communication with family back home is frequently stressful
Gives me sleepless nights/a huge concern every day
A constant background concern, quietly festering away
Yes, it is an issue, but I maintain a certain level of resilience
This doesn’t register as an issue for me, or isn’t applicable to my situation
There is little empathy from home regarding our current COVID situation
Gives me sleepless nights/a huge concern every day
A constant background concern, quietly festering away
Yes, it is an issue, but I maintain a certain level of resilience
This doesn’t register as an issue for me, or isn’t applicable to my situation
My parent/s are not coping with COVID
Gives me sleepless nights/a huge concern every day
A constant background concern, quietly festering away
Yes, it is an issue, but I maintain a certain level of resilience
This doesn’t register as an issue for me, or isn’t applicable to my situation
The new uncertainties that COVID-19 are forcing me to rethink my/our future in ways I have never been challenged before e.g. potentially repatriating
Gives me sleepless nights/a huge concern every day
A constant background concern, quietly festering away
Yes, it is an issue, but I maintain a certain level of resilience
This doesn’t register as an issue for me, or isn’t applicable to my situation
I probably could be a better/nicer/more understanding of my distance parent/s and/or parent/s-in-laws
Gives me sleepless nights/a huge concern every day
A constant background concern, quietly festering away
Yes, it is an issue, but I maintain a certain level of resilience
This doesn’t register as an issue for me, or isn’t applicable to my situation
I do not feel in control when my parent/s and/or parent/s-in-law engage with us. Likely I could be labelled a gate-keeper, rather than a gate-opener to our family
Gives me sleepless nights/a huge concern every day
A constant background concern, quietly festering away
Yes, it is an issue, but I maintain a certain level of resilience
This doesn’t register as an issue for me, or isn’t applicable to my situation
Some other issue/comment regarding above
What have been the UPSIDES of Distance Familying for all you and your parents/s and/or in-laws? (pre-COVID)
Together our travel opportunities have widened our horizons
Together we have grown culturally
We may not see our distance family often, but when we do it is ‘full on’ and we create some fantastic memories
‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’: yes there are ‘cons’ about distance familying, but the ‘pros’ have advantages also and we all don’t take them for granted
Tick all that apply and/or add your own pre-COVID upsides
Further pre-COVID upsides of distance familying
What have been the upsides of Distance Familying for all parties, thanks to COVID
My parent/s (in-laws) have shown resilience and understanding during COVID about my extra load with schooling from home etc.
My parent/s (in-laws) have been proactively supporting us more online in creative ways
ZOOM has become a welcomed additional tool of our distance family communication regime
COVID has meant I haven’t had to visit home or host family visitors and this has actually been a blessing!
We have taken advantage to vacation somewhere else for a change, instead of visiting each other
Tick all that apply and/or add further upsides
Other COVID upsides to distance familying
What would you would LOVE to tell your DISTANCE parent/s and/or DISTANCE parents-in-law....but you're too afraid to say ! This is your chance
Please tick all those that resonate with you.
Please allow me to live my life as I choose and accept my choices
I wish you could be more flexible about communication routines (times/platforms etc)
Right now, life and all it is throwing at me is overwhelming and I can’t ‘be there’ for you in the ways you want.
Please just love and encourage me
Please stop asking when I will return ‘home’
Please don’t criticize my parenting
When I need your advice, I will ask for it
The kids can get grumpy and don’t always want to talk to you. Please be understanding.
We are not on vacation. We are living our life and are really busy raising our children
I wish you were more emotionally resilient
Don’t make the grandkids suffer for the anger/resentment you feel towards me
Send more letters but please don’t be offended if we don’t always write back
Please tell me the truth about your health. Don’t keep secrets.
Please understand that ‘home’, and what it means to me has changed
I wish you were prepared to travel and visit me, rather than me always visiting you
When you visit you expect to be waited on. I wish you could be more independent and resourceful.
When you visit I feel obliged to have you stay at our house/apartment but I would honestly prefer you stay close by in a hotel or AirBnB
Please be nicer to my partner
At times you are culturally insensitive
You can be racist in your comments
Please be more interested in my world
I understand you like to spoil my child/children but you go overboard
You are insensitive to boundaries and barriers during visits/communications
Sometimes I am grateful I live overseas
Are there any issues about being a distance son or daughter that have not been raised in this survey, that are particularly important to you?
Is there an aspect of being a distance son or daughter you would like to learn how to do better, and see it addressed in the book?
How has this survey been for you ....?
Cathartic - these subjects are rarely spoken of
Comforting - I am obviously not alone with the issues I have
Alarming - I had not realized that some distance sons & daughters cope with quite a lot
Exhausting - but worth it
Tick those that apply
Can this survey be improved?
Want to keep in touch/contribute further?
Are you happy for me to email you with any other questions during the book writing process? There would be absolutely NO obligation to respond. Helen
No thanks
Yes - I am open. I may respond...I may not.
Your name
Your email
A HUGE thank you. This was a BIG survey and I appreciate the time and thought you have taken to complete it. The findings will feature in my upcoming three books and contribute to my REASON for writing the books: to improve understanding and empathy between the different generations of distance families.
Helen Ellis
Helen's Story
Book Series
Being a Distance Grandparent
Being a Distance Son or Daughter
Being a Distance Grandchild
Being a Distance Grandparent
Being a Distance Son or Daughter
Write a review
Being a Distance Grandparent
Being a Distance Son or Daughter
Helpful Reading
Monthy Newsletter