Welcome to the monthly newsletter from DistanceFamilies.com DISTANCE FAMILIES NEWSNovember is the start of what American’s call the ‘holiday season'. We all experience different rhythms of life at this time. Normally my email account is a consistently happening place, but I couldn’t believe it when I woke on the Sunday morning of Thanksgiving weekend to no emails. I thought there was something wrong until I remembered, it was Thanksgiving weekend in the States and ‘Black Friday’ weekend everywhere. America was vacationing and the world was distracted. Here in the Southern Hemisphere we’re right in the middle of what we call the ‘silly season’. Final school and university exams have just finished and schools are in the process of breaking up for the academic year. It’s the time for dancing school recitals and final performance and prizegiving concerts for all manner of activities. Workplaces are holding Christmas parties and it seems that everyone wants to gather before we disperse. There are some days we could be in three places at once. This all culminates with Christmas Day. Boxing Day, the 26th is ‘the great exodus’. Southern Hemisphere-ites, taking advantage of the Christmas/New Year public holidays, pile in our cars for our summer holiday. Wonder what it's like to experience Christmas in the summer. Click here for a wee kiwi musical interlude. In January everyone returns home in dribs and drabs ready for the new work and school years to begin all over again. In contrast, every July and August we’re used to finding our Northern Hemisphere family, friends and colleagues are on a ‘go slow’ as they similarly schedule vacations and restful interludes. Well that’s how it will be over the next month or so for those of us 'down under'. If you don’t receive a prompt email response from a Kiwi, Aussie, South African or South American – you’ll know why! BOOK SERIES NEWS
At a less administrative level! this is the first Christmas visit we'll have international Santa focussed grandchildren. We’ll savour every moment before this phase passes, and pull out all the stops for a vacation overflowing with memories and good times… while still keeping expectations at a realistic level ! Take care and Seasons Greetings until next time
Helen Ellis P.S. Not registered to receive this monthly newsletter? You may register on the right of this page. Thanks for your support. HE
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August 2024