The past month has been one of buzzing media activity. I employed a lovely publicist who discovered many doors opened as geographically separated families are rather topical right now. It started with a bang on a Sunday morning when a page and a half in the biggest NZ newspaper was devoted to excerpts from my book. What a blessing to give distance grandparents a voice. From there radio interviews have been happening along with print media reviews. Very exciting. In the meantime my distributor has been hard at work getting the message to the book shops. Not got your copy yet? Here is the best link to all the local and global platforms. Enjoy some of the June news. Take care Helen NZ media campaign kicks offThe NZ media campaign has commenced for 'Being a Distance Grandparent - a Book for ALL Generations'. A full page and a half in the NZ Sunday Star Times. Here's an extra photo from our virtual family wedding at the start of June. All things are possible.How to manage a distance family virtual wedding photo! Hubby and I am in the phone. From L-R our son Robbie holding grandson Gerard, Jennifer, Lucy our daughter and holding her other son Peter. Video calls with family don't always go according to plan.I call the ones that don't work - 'Mediocre Encounters'. In my book I describe them as, "The video call that started with great intentions but finished all too early due to a crying child, the doorbell, a phone call, an 'I need the potty' cry - all manner of completely normal and ordinary interruptions of daily life resulting in, "We'll try another time." This article talks of the necessity to manage our expectations in these circumstances... not necessarily easy! Radio InterviewWe're never too old to do something new.
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January 2025